Mailing Lists


Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended.

List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list.

If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact

List Description
5CGardens ***DEFUNCT***Email list for 5 College/Help Yourself interns, volunteers, work study students.
AB Animal Behavior Group Listserve
Alumni.rerad ***DEFUNCT***For Alumni interested in the Re-Radicalization of Hampshire College
Amnesty ***DEFUNCT***Amnesty International
AnimalRights ***DEFUNCT***Hampshire Animal Rights
Asianmedia ***DEFUNCT***Hampshire's Anime & Asian Media club
ASL ***DEFUNCT***The American Sign Language (ASL) community of Hampshire
Atheist ***DEFUNCT***Information about upcoming atheist events at Hampshire College.
Bartsarm ***DEFUNCT***Resources for artists: figure drawing sessions, visiting artists, peer critiques, and collaborative projects
Buildingmanagers a way for building managers to communicate with each other
BurmaInterestGroup ***DEFUNCT***
CampaignCouncil [no description available]
CBDstudents Culture, Brain, and Development Program Students
CDC Come contra dance with us!
Center4Design Center for Design announcements
CenterForFeminisms Center For Feminisms
Cffstaff [no description available]
Ci-lab Discussions related to the Computational Intelligence Lab at Hampshire College.
ci-lab-conduit [no description available]
CircStaff Library Circulation Staff List
CircusFolkUnite The Hampshire College Circus Collective
Classism Hampshire Students Against Classism (CA$H back)
ClimateChange Climate Change: information on Hampshire & 5C events
ClimateJustice Climate Justice student activist group
Clppoutreachcomm [no description available]
CLPPStudents Civil Liberties & Public Policy students & alums
Clusterusers Discussion related to the cluster (fly) in ASH.
colesciencemonitors [no description available]
Colleague-Meeting [no description available]
colleague-users [no description available]
Comics Official List of the Comics Collective
Commadv Student staff of the Community Advocacy dept
ComputerScience Computer Science and related topics discussion list
Confucius Hampshire Confucius Student Group
ContemplativePractice Students exploring contemplative practice and alternative spirituality!
CorcGradProfStudy Receive info about various tests (GRE, LSAT, etc.), grad programs & fellowships, 5 College graduate & law school events, workshops. (For medicine/health interests, use the HealthProfessions list.)
CorcInternshipSeekers Receive Internship & Short-term Job Announcements
CorcJobSeekers Receive Job Announcements
CoSAA Collective of Students Affected by Ableism
Creative.Media.Internships [no description available]
CRPR The California Roundtable on Philosophy and Race
cs-faculty CS Faculty Discussion List
Cs104f08 List for Cognitive Science Fiction (CS104, Fall 2008)
Cs109 [no description available]
cs174_f19 Mailing list for CA 1 Fall 2019
cs174s15 [no description available]
cs175 [no description available]
cs223s06 The class list for Graphics Topics for Programmers, CS 223, spring 2006
Cs254f11 Discussions re: the Fall 2011 Genetic Programming course at Hampshire College.
Cs263 [no description available]
CS263f08 List for the Fall 2008 course "Artificial Intelligence in 3D Virtual Worlds"
Cs266s19 [no description available]
cs307scary An email list for team Scary in CS307 Game Development Workshop
Csc Computer Science Collective
CSI_faculty [no description available]
Culturalcenter CC
CutestLittleFreaks Hampshire's Improv Troupe with a Mascot
DDMLeague An email list to facilitate league matches for the D&D Miniatures (DDM) league. All league participants will be automatically subscribed.
DeconstructingRacism coming soon
DisabilityGroup [no description available]
EE-EnvironEd Events, jobs, activities related to Env. Education
Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship Opportunties and Information
Envirocom Closed list for EnviroCom members
EnvironmentsChange A listserv for members of the Environments & Change Learning Collaborative.
ExportControl [no description available]
FarmThisLand For news, events, and activities at the Hampshire College Farm
FeministStudies Feminist Studies
FilmCollective [no description available]
FilmPhoto Official Film/Photo/Video List
FIRST A network to support the success of first generation college students at Hampshire
FirstYearMentors First Year Mentors Mailing List
ForestGarden [no description available]
Fulbright Hampshire Fulbright Information
GameAlumni A list to connect Hampshire College and other Five College alumni who studied game development disciplines while in school, including programming, art, design, production, audio, and more.
GameJam A list for anyone interested in Game Jam events
GameJamOrganizers A list for the organizers of Game Jam events
GameJobs An announcement e-mail list for jobs related to game development, including art, programming, design, production, audio, and more.
Garden All about the Hampshire Community Garden
gendercenter [no description available]
GEO Info about opportunities and programs for studying abroad.
Geo_scholars [no description available]
Glasscollective small to medium glasswork, torchwork, fusing
Greenhouse The Enfield Solar Greenhouse
GRIN Gender Resource Network
GuerrillaArtsBrigade Collaborative Art-Making For a More Beautiful and Engaged Hampshire!
HaFTA Hampshire Fair Trade Alliance
Haiti_action events and info regarding Hampshire community response
Hamp-law Current legal developments
Hampchristian Hampshire Christian Fellowship
Hampedia Updates about the Hampedia Project
HampHistory Society for Hampshire History
HampMedia Media Interest Group
HampshireDance Official Dance Program Information List
HampshireFoodAdvocates [no description available]
Hampshiregamecollective Game Appreciation and Development Group
HampsterWheels A Bike Rental Start-Up
Hcafc Hampshire College Alternative Fuels Collective Mailing List
HCEMS Hampshire College EMS
HCSSiMalumns alumns of the Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics
Hcssimapplicants HCSSiM Applicants
Healthprofessions Receive news, events info related to health professions
HealthProfessionsClub Mailing list for the Health Professions Club
Helga The Helga Mailing List
hispanohablantes Spanish speaking Club
Hostfamily International Family & Friends Program
HSAMI Hampshire Students Against Mass Incarceration
HSU-CoordBoardInfo Internal communication for Coordinating Board members
HSU-CoordinatingBoard General list for updates on the Coordinating Board of the union
HSU-FundingCommittee HSU Funding Committee
HSU-StudentExperience HSU Student Experience
HSU-StudentLeadership HSU Student Leadership
Humanities [no description available]
HYS Help Yourself Edibles
Infinity Infinity Studio G Users
InJustice A listserv for members of the In/Justice Learning Collaborative.
InterfaithProject [no description available]
intlcomm International Community
ISO International Socialist Organization
JamesBaldwinGroup [no description available]
Jewelrycollective [no description available]
Jewish Jewish Student Union
KCFellows [no description available]
KCTeam [no description available]
LALS latin@americanstudies
Lamb Lamb Watchers List
LFI A group committed to connecting Hampshire to local agriculture!
LibraryBuilding [no description available]
LMLWorkStudy For Workstudy Students in the Library Media Labs
LocalFoodsInitiative [no description available]
LogicGameDev A list to coordinate game development of Blended Learning logic games and puzzles, especially during Summer 2014.
Maple Maple Sap Gathering List
MapleSyrupProductionCrew A listserv for keeping people up to date about upcoming sap collections/ boils/ other maple syrup related information.
MDBM MDB Monitors
MediaTechnology A listserv for members of the Media & Technology Learning Collaborative.
Meditation Meditation Community
MixedNuts A mailing list for Mixed Nuts Food Coop
MML-Advanced [no description available]
MML-FPHPractice [no description available]
MML-Studios MediaLab Users One
MML-WorkStudy [no description available]
Mythos Theatrical Roleplaying, Capture the Flag and Theater games.
NaturalistClub Nature, tracking, fun together.
NERDug-list New England Regional Datatel Users Group
Newleaf New Leaf
Ns NS Faculty, Staff, and Students
NSPProgramAnnounce New Student Experience Announcement List
NSPTransferAnnounce New Student Programs Transfer Announcements
NSSchoolMembers [no description available]
Omen Hampshire College's longest continually running campus publication (and currently the only one).
Orchestra Chamber Orchestra
PingPongClub a club for ping pong enthusiasts
Pmp PeerMentorshipProgram
Primitive_skills 5C Primitive Skills Collective
PROD This is an email list for all Technical/Production Crew for the MDB.
PSIG [no description available]
Push Discussion of the Push programming language and the PushGP and Pushpop evolutionary computing systems
QCA Queer Community Alliance list
Qcastaff [no description available]
Quaker The Hampshire Quakers mailing list
Queerconf [no description available]
Queerconf.volunteers organizers of the queerconf
Quizbowl Hampshire's quiz bowl team discussion
Rehamping Rehamping is community-created renovation of the Hampshire College campus.
ReRad Students, Staff, and Faculty for the Re-Radicalization of Hampshire College
Rerad_discuss The means for Re-Rad discussion
SAC Staff Advocacy Committee. This mailing list is for current SAC members only.
SEARCH Social Entrepreneurship Collective
SewingSkillShare Sewing Skill Share
Shamanism Learn about shamanism and its forms around the world.
Shatterkind Study of filmmaking techniques.
Space The Hampshire College Space Program.
SPARC Supporting Purpose through Action, Resources, and Connections
SPARCInternshipSeekers Receive Internship & Short-term Job Announcements
SPARCJobSeekers Receive job announcements
Spirituallife what's going on on and off campus spiritually speaking
Student_server_room For the discussion of the Student Server Room Project
StudentChaplains [no description available]
StudentRunCafe [no description available]
Students4HumanRights Students For Human Rights
TheatreCommunity Hampshire College Theatre Newsletter
TimeNarrative A listserv for members of the Time & Narrative Learning Collaborative.
Tonics Gin & Tonics Acapella
TransferLife transfer students
Ultimatealumni Alumni who played or play ultimate
UU Unitarian Universalists
ValleyCon Information and updates on the Pioneer Valley's game design conference
Warf [no description available]
WorkStudySupervisors Work study supervisors sharing information and advice
WritingCareers Writing and related careers events and opportunities
XC Hampshire Cross Country Running
Yellowbike Hampshire College Yellow Bike
Yogacollective Practicing, learning, and teaching yoga with friends.
Yurt Yurt Radio
Zapmail Hampshire's electronics group.

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