[DEATH TO THE CLIMAX] Welcome, new listserv members!

Beatrice Corfman bec12 at hampshire.edu
Sun Sep 20 21:14:56 EDT 2015


Hi all, 

I've just added all of the people who signed up for our listserv at
hampfest. Welcome to the omen listserv!
This email is used pretty infrequently - largely, to announce the next
layout. The meeting dates are all already set, but people tend to forget
unless we remind them. 

In case you're curious, the meetings for this semester are: 

September 24th 
October 8th 
October 22nd 
November 5th 
November 19th 
December 3rd 

We meet in the Omen office every other Thursday, from 8pm until whenever
we feel like it. The issues come out the following Thursday. We have our
own office, in the Merrill A Basement: go in through the front door of
merrill A, walk through the hallway to the right of the stairs up, and
the stairs are just on your left. Follow those down and the omen office
is a small ways down the hallway. The door should be open, it should
hopefully be pretty easy to spot. 

I'll send out an email reminding everyone about the first meeting the
day of, but it's this upcoming thursday. 

Mostly, I want to take this moment to say I hope y'all don't feel
intimidated. The biggest thing I hear semester after semester is things
like "how do I join??" "this seems so difficult", etc. 

Literally, we will add you to the staffbox if you step over the
threshold. You can just come in and talk to us and eat food. If you want
to create content, that's wonderful! If you want to try laying out some
of the issue, that's also great - we use indesign, and any number of us
would be happy to show you around if you're unfamiliar. But you can do
as much or as little as you want. 

Anyway, here's to a good semester! Remember that the Omen is only as
good as its submissions - so: 

Submit regularly!
Submit meaningfully!
Submit athletically!
And never forget where you send submissions: omen at hampshire.edu 

Editor out, 

 - B Corfman 

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