jrg11 at hampshire.edu jrg11 at hampshire.edu
Tue Mar 11 18:45:50 EDT 2014

Hey, Omenationals,
We're laying out another issue of the Omen this week!

WHERE: Omen office, Merrill A basement
WHEN: Thursday, March 13th, 8pm
WHY: I just said that at the top of the email.  We're laying out  
another issue of the Omen.  Pay attention!
WHO: All of you!

But this time, it's extra special because the issue will be IN FULL  
COLOR.  (this is the part where you are really amazed by this stunning  
revelation.)  Which doesn't mean much for the meeting itself, mostly  
just some headaches for the signers on the back-end of things.  Don't  
worry about it.  See you there!


(P.S. Take bets on whether or not my laptop will survive until the meeting.)

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