[DEATH TO THE CLIMAX] Archive stuff

jrg11 at hampshire.edu jrg11 at hampshire.edu
Tue Mar 4 22:05:50 EST 2014

Hey, Ill-Omenati

This coming Thursday, March 6th (how is it March already?  AHHHHHH) at  
9:15 we'll be having another archive meeting.  Omen office, Merrill A  
basement, you know the drill by now.  Stuff that needs to happen:
-Finish putting things in filing cabinets
-Figure out what things we have digital copies of already
-Start scanning things we don't have digital copies of
-Figure out what to do with our many boxes of extra issues
-Start cataloging our various non-Omen publications more methodically
-Lots of angry yelling
-Probably some other stuff that I can't think of right now, OH WELL  

There'll be Chinese food again, since the PO that we planned to use  
last week didn't get processed in time and the wonderful folks at CLA  
offered to change it to this week.  We'll change things up a bit in  
terms of food next time. If you want us to order anything specific,  
let me or one of the other signers know and we'll see what we can do!


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