[Newleaf] Fwd: Seeking Compost Help for Large campus events

Rebecca Simone Siegel rss07 at hampshire.edu
Tue Apr 10 17:02:36 EDT 2012

----- Forwarded message from Pam Tinto <ptinto at hampshire.edu> -----
    Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2012 11:38:10 -0400
    From: Pam Tinto <ptinto at hampshire.edu>
Reply-To: Pam Tinto <ptinto at hampshire.edu>
 Subject: Seeking Compost Help for Large campus events
      To: Marleigh Philson Higgins <mph09 at hampshire.edu>, Rebecca Simone Siegel
<rss07 at hampshire.edu>, Leah Grossman <lrg08 at hampshire.edu>,
jmo11 at hampshire.edu, abk10 at hampshire.edu, Sarah Noor Steadman
<sns09 at hampshire.edu>, Megan Marie Meo <memm09 at hampshire.edu>, Jackson Henry
Wilke <jhw10 at hampshire.edu>, mrg09 at hampshire.edu, chc11 at hampshire.edu, Nancy
Hanson <nhanson at hampshire.edu>, envirocom at lists.hampshire.edu, Noga Heyman
<nh10 at hampshire.edu>

Dear Composting Friends,

Here are the dates we need to staff the compost stations on campus. The
admissions events
start next Monday. PLEASE forward this onto to everyone who might
possibly be able to help next week.
Students should email me directly if they can work any of these events.
Please encourage first years you know
to use this for CEL-1, they can talk with me about that if they are

Campus Visit Day- Monday,. April 16- 8am - 9am - RCC
Campus Visit Day-  Monday,. April 16- 12pm- 1pm- RCC
Multicultural overnight- Tuesday, April 17- 5:30pm- 7pm- Red Barn
Accepted Students- Wed April18- 9am - 10am - RCC
Accepted Students- Wed April18- 12pm- 1pm - RCC
Multicultural overnight- Friday, April 20 6pm- 7pm RCC
Accepted Students-Sat. April 21- 8am - 9am - RCC
Accepted Students- Sat. April 21- 1pm- 2pm - RCC

As you know when Bio-ware is used we need students at each disposal area
to keep the bins from being contaminated. Some of you  know only too
well how difficult a job that is because not everyone reads the signs,
as lovely as they are. These meals are in the RCC and a couple in the
Red Barn you would get to eat of course if you volunteer. And ya never
can tell what perspective student
might choose to come here if you talk with them. :) It's also so nice
for families to interact with students so I see this role as not just
pointing to the correct bin, although that certainly is helpful.

In solidarity for the Earth,


Pam Tinto
Assistant Dean of Students
Campus Leadership and Activities
Hampshire College
893 West Street
Amherst, MA 01002
413-559-5751 (phone)
413-559-5664 (fax)

“The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to
think critically... Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of
true education.”
-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

“If there is no struggle, there is no progress.  Those who profess to
favor freedom, and yet, renounce controversy, are the people who want
crops without plowing the ground.”
-Frederick Douglas

----- End forwarded message -----

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