[Jewish] Speaker: Yaniv Sagee on Coexistence and the Israeli/Palestinian

Allison Emma Lerman-Gluck ael09 at hampshire.edu
Tue Apr 12 20:06:02 EDT 2011

Reminder that this event is tomorrow!

	6:30 PM, Centrum Gallery (Donut 1), Pizza Provided! Remind your friends! Bring
50 friends each!

Yaniv Sagee, Israel representative for Givat Haviva Educational Foundation in
North America, will speak about the backdrop of recent disturbing events in
Israel and the crucial role Givat Haviva plays in working toward a shared
society rooted in co-existence, dialogue, and peace. He will speak to the
audience about his own experiences, as well as open the floor for dialogue in a
supportive setting.

This will be an opportunity to hear about current coexistence efforts, as well
as the personal story of an Israeli who believes strongly in social justice
through leadership and coexistence. This will also be an opportunity for
students and faculty to speak freely in a respectful environment.

This event is unaffiliated with any campus organization. I'd like to invite any
and all opinions to come share in this opportunity to learn and start moving
forward in a productive manner.
Please invite your friends.

This is going to be really interesting and informal, so come relaxed and with an
open mind!

Todah Rabah,
Allison Lerman-Gluck

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