[Jewish] Shabbat Dinner! Bring your Family!!!

Gideon Bass gpb05 at hampshire.edu
Fri Oct 13 00:13:44 EDT 2006

Also, if you've been coming to friday night services, are interested in coming
to friday night services, or would come to friday night services but don't like
the way they're being held, if you at all can come to the candle lighting, we'll
be discussing where people would like to see services go. This includes:
- What Siddurim we're going to use
- What tunes we should use
- Whose leading services
- Who's leading specific parts of services
- Anything else you can think of.

So please think about these things and if you at all can, PLEASE come. If you
know you can't come but have a strong opinion, email me so I can pass along
your message to the assembled group.


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