[Haiti_action] Feb. 11 Amherst College event

Melissa Scheid Frantz mysSA at hampshire.edu
Thu Feb 4 15:23:06 EST 2010

Vigil for Haiti: Thursday, February 11th, 7-9pm Memorial Hill
Amherst College

Students involved in Amherst Haiti Relief and Religious Life will host a 
candlelight vigil for Haiti on Thursday evening, February 11th, at 7:00 
PM. We will gather at War Memorial on the top of Memorial Hill. There 
will be prayers, readings, and songs by several of the singing groups on 
campus. We will then process to Keefe Campus Center and conclude the 
vigil with special candle lighting by students of Haitian descent. 
Following the vigil, “Vive Haiti” wristbands will be for sale and there 
will be refreshments in the Friedmann Room.

 From the four corners of the city the fires rise from the heaped refuse 
and burn our eyes. At the end of dusk, the fire-bugs crucify the misery 
of Port-au-Prince to shut it up. We walk on, subdued, half blinded by an 
untrustworthy fog. It is at this moment that night descends over the 
visage of our Mother. This incomparable face which will never leave you, 
in spite of the storm fallen into your life, in spite of the fire which 
devours it.
--Yanick Lahens, "La Couleur de L'Aube."


Melissa Scheid Frantz 
Director, Multicultural & International Student Services
-- International Student Advisor
-- Coordinator for Multicultural Academic Support

Student Life | Hampshire College | 893 West St.
Amherst, MA  01002 USA | tel: 413.559.5415 | fax: 413.559.6668 | http://www.hampshire.edu/culturalcenter

"Sustaining Community; Building the Future: The Lebron-Wiggins-Pran Cultural Center as a SOURCE for Change – Celebrating 20 years"

* If you are an international student with an emergency visa issue that needs immediate assistance and it's outside of regular business hours, please call the Hampshire Switchboard at 413.549.4600.

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