[Animeclub] ☆ ANIME CLUB FINAL POLL! ☆

Gabriella Oddo gno13 at hampshire.edu
Wed Sep 23 17:19:42 EDT 2015



Gabriella is a fool and has been fasting since last night, so she fell
asleep without talking to Lisette about compiling and sending out the
new poll. She's going into the shame cube until Friday. 

That being said, after compiling everybody's votes and doing our fancy
signer math, here is the final poll for this semester's lineup: 

https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/6HGMJLM [1] 

☆ TA-DA!! ☆ 

This poll will close at 12:00 PM FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25TH! Plenty of time
to get in those votes! And remember, pick 3 shows, no more and no less!
We encourage you to refer to the synopses given in the first poll (which
is still up for you to look at) if you can't decide on a show to vote
for! We know that everybody's favs got in, but we hope you'll be excited
to try out something new. There's a lot of good shit on this list, let
me tell you. 

Important Note!!!!! 

If there are any crucial tiebreakers, we are going to resolve them right
then and there at Friday's meeting... so if you wanna be there to vote
on a show that may be at odds with another, be sure to come to this
week's meeting! We look forward to seeing you there! 

Have a great Thursday! 

- ♫ Your Signers ♪ 

[1] https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/6HGMJLM

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