[Animeclub] ☆ AAC Full Info! ☆

Gabriella Oddo gno13 at hampshire.edu
Tue Sep 29 18:21:05 EDT 2015


Heyyyy Everybody! 

Sorry for the delay sending this email! We had to go to several meetings
with the CLA to make sure everything is a-go, and we are happy to say
we're well on our way to getting this trip on the road! 

That being said, this email will have EVERYTHING you need to know about
the trip! So make sure you read it over carefully, and if you have
questions for us, send them to one of your signers at one of the

 	* lmm13 (Lisette)
 	* gno13 (Gabriella)
 	* jre13 (Josie)

Let's get started! 


 	* If you get an email about WAIVERS, SIGN THEM!! AAAA!! You can't go
with us unless you do! We don't want to leave you behind! :c
 	* We'll be meeting up to pack cars and get ready at 6:30AM on FRIDAY,
OCTOBER 16TH in the parking lot behind the library! It's right near the
Bridge, for those who are unsure. You can't miss us!
 	* We will be texting, calling, and even popping up at your door if you
don't make it to meet us and you're on the list, so don't worry about
missing it! We've got you. But please, don't make us do that, if you can
help it. As cute as your duckie pajamas might be, we don't want to
invade your privacy.
 	* Drivers, make sure you have a contact number for everyone in your
vehicles! Keeping in touch is important.
 	* 7:00AM sharp is our departure time! We'll get to the con around 9,
have time to get our badges, and then head over to the hotel.
 	* From the hotel, getting to the con is about a 10 minute drive --
we'll talk about driver's individual shuttling schedules once we're all
settled at the hotel, so no need to worry yet about getting back and
forth from the con itself.


 	* 23 people are currently signed up for the trip, which is below our
trip cap of 25! Yay! At this time, everybody who signed up gets to go,
and we have two more slots.
 	* If you want to drop out, you must notify us BEFORE OCTOBER 1ST (if
there is an emergency, that is definitely an exception), or you will
need to PAY THE CLA $45 for your registration cost. We realize that
gives you only one day to decide if you can still make it, but as we
mentioned in our last meeting, all parties involved have been on a nasty
time crunch, as the year started one week later than usual. We're trying
our best to make this happen in very little time, so we hope that you'll
bear with us.
 	* HOWEVER, if you need to drop for whatever reason, someone can take
your place, and you will not need to pay for the registration! If no one
can take your place, however, then you will need to pay. So if you've
got a friend who may want to go last-minute and spare you the fee, let
us know!
 	* We will all be picking up badges in line together when we get to the
con on Friday morning; if there's any trouble, the AAC staff is very
friendly and helpful. If the problem requires our intervention, you can
call or text a signer to let us know!


 	* As a general rule, make sure to be on time and courteous to your
drivers; they're the reason our trips happen. Respect their choices and
schedules, because they love you enough to haul you over a hundred miles
away so you can drool on expensive figurine tables.
 	* The full list of panels and events has not yet been posted on the
website, but if you have any questions about the con itself, AAC has a
website righty here, complete with a furry falcon in a robe on the top
banner: http://www.anotheranimecon.com/ [1] 
 	* If you have cosplay, fear not! There will be room for you to pack it
in at least one of our vehicles. Don't leave something at home because
you're worried about bringing it. We're here to help! And speaking of
cosplay, if you have pictures of yourself and others in our club that
you think are radical, please do email them to a signer! They'll be put
on our Hampedia page, which definitely needs more photos!
 	* Again, drivers will be discussing their individual shuttling
schedules once we are all settled into the hotel, so don't worry about
back and forth transportation yet; the only thing to be mindful of is
that parking in the Radisson garage is $5 a day for congoers, so please
be sure that somebody in the vehicle can pay for it on the way out each
day! You will be reimbursed, so long as you have the receipt.


 	* Singers will handle hotel checkout, so don't worry about that.
 	* Zipcars and Hampshire Vehicles need to be turned in by 8pm on
Sunday, October 18th. Not much goes on at the con after 2 or 3pm, so
that deadline should serve us well, and leave time for dinner or lunch
before departing if you want it.
 	* Drivers, make sure you keep track of who is going with you there and
back, and don't leave anybody behind! Texting and calling passengers is
always a good idea.

That's about it, for now! If you have any questions, again, don't
hesitate to email a signer and ask. We hope this trip will be as fun and
wonderful as it always is, and look forward to taking you on the

- ☆ Gabriella ☆ 

[1] http://www.anotheranimecon.com/

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