Katherine Roman ker10 at hampshire.edu
Wed Sep 9 18:00:03 EDT 2015


On Wednesday, September 9, 2015, Gabriella Oddo <gno13 at hampshire.edu> wrote:

> Or good morning, to those of you who are responsible students and were
> not awake when I sent this email at about 2:53am. But anyways,
> ❤ ♪ ✿ ☆ WELCOME BACK!!!!!! ☆ ✿ ♪ ❤
> I'm sure you're all wondering why this email came flying like a rogue
> jet plane into your inbox at this ungodly hour. The reason, of course,
> is that we want to give you all the early info you need about club this
> semester! Yay! It may look like a long list, but if you at least skim
> each section you'll find the things you need.
> SO, without further ado, let's get to it...
> 1. HAMPFEST! As most of you may know already, Hampfest is the semesterly
> showcase of all recognized student groups at Hampshire! The fall
> semester's Hampfest will be taking place under the Solar Canopy in the
> Charles and Polly Longsworth Art Village (next to ASH and in front of
> the music building) on Friday, September 18th from 3:00 to 4:00pm! The
> reason Hampfest is so important is that A) we recruit new members, be
> they freshmen, transfers, anybody at all and B) we give out candy and
> possibly a Nerd Item to be lottery'd off to anybody who puts their name
> in a hat! Who doesn't want to eat candy until they die a sugary,
> blissful death?
> So make sure you tell your friends and their friends and their friends'
> friends to come to Hampfest, find our table, and sign up for this
> mailing list with us in person! If you want more info about the festival
> itself, the official page is right here [1]!
> 2. As of now, we project that OUR FIRST MEETING WILL BE THAT VERY SAME
> DAY, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18TH! We meet Friday nights from 7pm until
> wheneverwefeellikegoinghome-- ahem, midnight, in the West Lecture Hall
> in Franklin Patterson Hall, as always. We look forward to seeing you
> there, and have PLENTY of fun planned for the first day, so please do
> come in!
> 3. SPEAKING OF OUR FIRST MEETING, we Signers have PLENTY in store for
> you all! We'll be discussing our group rules and community guidelines,
> playing a name game or two, eating food, and most importantly, sampling
> shows that may or may not make it into our semesterly lineup depending
> upon your votes! So please do come to this meeting so you can offer up
> suggestions for what we'll watch this semester! We look forward to
> seeing you there, smiling with a faceful of pizza.
> 4. As returning members may know, OUR THIRD SIGNER MEGHAN IS CURRENTLY
> TARANTULAS OR KANGAROOS!!!), and we have a club member who will be
> filling her position for the semester. You'll meet them at Hampfest with
> Lisette and I, or at the first meeting later that night. For now, it's a
> secret. ;3
> 5. WE ARE GOING TO AAC THIS YEAR, once again! For those who don't know
> or haven't been previously, AAC (Another Anime Convention) is a con held
> in Manchester, New Hampshire from October 16th - 18th. Your Signers will
> be setting up the trip and keeping you posted ASAP with all manner of
> information, so no need to jump up just yet. But for now, we're letting
> you know that we are indeed steering on that course!
> If you'd like to know more about AAC, check out the con's official
> website [2]! Holy fucking shit, J. Michael Tatum is going to be there--
> ANYWAY, that's all for now! Here's a quick TL;DR for those who may need
> it...
> - Hampfest is on Fridey September 18th at 3pm
> - Our first meeting is later that night, 7pm
> - Be there or be a lopsided rectangle
> - Meghan may or may not be kidnapped by wild tarantulas in Australia
> - At least she's learning to play the didgeridoo
> - We're going to AAC
> - Things may be revised, so keep checkin' your emails
> - We love you all
> And at the risk of being sappy as the maple trees in the forests of
> lovely Western Massachusetts, we really have been looking forward to
> seeing you again. Even if we're all just sitting there watching a man
> pull a tommy gun out of his ass and turn a vampire into swiss cheese, or
> a bunch of ancient gods sparkle and get basically naked, it means a lot
> to share all the excitement, laughter and tears that go with it. We hope
> you're as ready as we are for this year's experiences.
> Thanks for reading, and stay tuned! See you under the solar canopy!
> - ☆ ♪ Gabriella ♫ ☆
> Links:
> ------
> [1] https://www.hampshire.edu/cla/hampfest
> [2] http://www.anotheranimecon.com/
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