Gabriella Oddo gno13 at hampshire.edu
Fri Sep 18 17:38:44 EDT 2015


Hey Everybody! 

As you might've heard from us at Hampfest, our first meeting is tonight
at 7pm in the West Lecture Hall in FPH! 

❤ ♫♩GET HYPE!!!!!!!!!!! ♩ ♪ ❤ 

We're as excited as you are to meet you all and watch some anime! 

We unfortunately won't have food this evening, but if you guys want to
bring snacks (for yourself or for sharing) we would definitely encourage
it! Thanks in advance if you have something to share. C: 

Remember, if you just signed up for our mailing list today, you're
automatically entered in a raffle to win a Durarara!! wall scroll at the
meeting tonight! Be sure to come so you can claim your prize! 

That's all for now! We hope to see you tonight! 

- Gabriella, Lisette, and the Mystery Signer 

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