Gabriella Oddo gno13 at hampshire.edu
Wed Sep 9 02:53:11 EDT 2015



Or good morning, to those of you who are responsible students and were
not awake when I sent this email at about 2:53am. But anyways, 

❤ ♪ ✿ ☆ WELCOME BACK!!!!!! ☆ ✿ ♪ ❤ 

I'm sure you're all wondering why this email came flying like a rogue
jet plane into your inbox at this ungodly hour. The reason, of course,
is that we want to give you all the early info you need about club this
semester! Yay! It may look like a long list, but if you at least skim
each section you'll find the things you need. 

SO, without further ado, let's get to it... 

1. HAMPFEST! As most of you may know already, Hampfest is the semesterly
showcase of all recognized student groups at Hampshire! The fall
semester's Hampfest will be taking place under the Solar Canopy in the
Charles and Polly Longsworth Art Village (next to ASH and in front of
the music building) on Friday, September 18th from 3:00 to 4:00pm! The
reason Hampfest is so important is that A) we recruit new members, be
they freshmen, transfers, anybody at all and B) we give out candy and
possibly a Nerd Item to be lottery'd off to anybody who puts their name
in a hat! Who doesn't want to eat candy until they die a sugary,
blissful death? 

So make sure you tell your friends and their friends and their friends'
friends to come to Hampfest, find our table, and sign up for this
mailing list with us in person! If you want more info about the festival
itself, the official page is right here [1]! 

2. As of now, we project that OUR FIRST MEETING WILL BE THAT VERY SAME
DAY, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18TH! We meet Friday nights from 7pm until
wheneverwefeellikegoinghome-- ahem, midnight, in the West Lecture Hall
in Franklin Patterson Hall, as always. We look forward to seeing you
there, and have PLENTY of fun planned for the first day, so please do
come in! 

3. SPEAKING OF OUR FIRST MEETING, we Signers have PLENTY in store for
you all! We'll be discussing our group rules and community guidelines,
playing a name game or two, eating food, and most importantly, sampling
shows that may or may not make it into our semesterly lineup depending
upon your votes! So please do come to this meeting so you can offer up
suggestions for what we'll watch this semester! We look forward to
seeing you there, smiling with a faceful of pizza. 

4. As returning members may know, OUR THIRD SIGNER MEGHAN IS CURRENTLY
TARANTULAS OR KANGAROOS!!!), and we have a club member who will be
filling her position for the semester. You'll meet them at Hampfest with
Lisette and I, or at the first meeting later that night. For now, it's a
secret. ;3 

5. WE ARE GOING TO AAC THIS YEAR, once again! For those who don't know
or haven't been previously, AAC (Another Anime Convention) is a con held
in Manchester, New Hampshire from October 16th - 18th. Your Signers will
be setting up the trip and keeping you posted ASAP with all manner of
information, so no need to jump up just yet. But for now, we're letting
you know that we are indeed steering on that course! 

If you'd like to know more about AAC, check out the con's official
website [2]! Holy fucking shit, J. Michael Tatum is going to be there-- 

ANYWAY, that's all for now! Here's a quick TL;DR for those who may need

- Hampfest is on Fridey September 18th at 3pm 

- Our first meeting is later that night, 7pm 

- Be there or be a lopsided rectangle 

- Meghan may or may not be kidnapped by wild tarantulas in Australia 

- At least she's learning to play the didgeridoo 

- We're going to AAC 

- Things may be revised, so keep checkin' your emails 

- We love you all 

And at the risk of being sappy as the maple trees in the forests of
lovely Western Massachusetts, we really have been looking forward to
seeing you again. Even if we're all just sitting there watching a man
pull a tommy gun out of his ass and turn a vampire into swiss cheese, or
a bunch of ancient gods sparkle and get basically naked, it means a lot
to share all the excitement, laughter and tears that go with it. We hope
you're as ready as we are for this year's experiences. 

Thanks for reading, and stay tuned! See you under the solar canopy! 

- ☆ ♪ Gabriella ♫ ☆ 


[1] https://www.hampshire.edu/cla/hampfest
[2] http://www.anotheranimecon.com/

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