[Animeclub] Upcoming Meeting + Hampfest!!

Gabriella Oddo gno13 at hampshire.edu
Tue Jan 27 16:55:17 EST 2015


Hey Everybody! 

This is just a quick update from your beloved Anime Club signers about
the exciting stuff happening this week!! We're all pumped up and ready
for another semester with you guys, and hope you feel the same way! 

Now, as you know, our first meeting is this Friday, January 30th at 7pm!
Yay!!! Get hyped! As usual, we'll have pizza and drinks for dinner,
since meeting food is back in business. 

On Friday, we've got these things planned for fun and discussion: 

 	* Lineup things! We'll be taking down a big fresh list of suggestions
for the lineup, which we'll compile for voting into polls. We'll also
talk about how that system is gonna work this time around.
 	* Club events! We've got a few ideas that we'd like to run by you
guys, and if you're interested, we can make 'em happen! You'll see.
 	* Deets about Anime Boston, now that signups are open!
 	* Watching our continued shows! Since Jojo and FMA are a
full-year-deal, we'll watch some episodes of both, as usual.

We look forward to seeing you all there! If you've got anything to bring
up, we'll be glad to hear it on Fridey as well. 

Secondly, Hampfest is happening tomorrow, Wednesday January 28th, from
7:30 to 9:00 PM in the Robert Crowne Center. If you've already been to
Hampfest, you know how it works, but if you're new to our mailing list
and new to Hampshire, it's basically a big gathering for clubs to
advertise for new students! There will also be free donuts, we believe
(there were last year)! Usually there's food of some kind, and we're
sure they'll have it again. 

Stop by our table to chat and say hello! We love to see new faces and
old ones too. You can also totally ignore us and check out the cool
things we'll be putting on the table, like Gabriella's figure of Ludger
Will Kresnik from Tales of Xillia 2. Damn, is he pretty. But we digress.

Have a happy new semester! We look forward to seeing you soon!! 

- Lisette, Meghan, and Gabriella ♪ ☆ ★ ♫ ❤ 

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