[Animeclub] Library Archive, AB Info, & The Coming Semester!

Gabriella Oddo gno13 at hampshire.edu
Sat Jan 10 22:12:31 EST 2015



We hope you've had a ♪ WONDERFUL ♪ break, and can't wait to see you once
we're all back and cozied up in our mods and dorms for another semester!
We've missed you so much! ;; 

This is gonna be a biiiiiig massive email, so strap in and get ready. 

Here we go...! 

1. We've finally gotten around to organizing all of the library archive
donations we received! Thanks again to our previous Anime Club signers
for donating the manga and DVDs! Attached in this email is a document
detailing everything we have in alphabetical order (as it is arranged on
the shelves). If you somehow don't receive the file, email a signer and
we'll get it to you quick. Not sure how these mailing lists handle

Please remember that we all voted on paying a one-time $1 fee per person
for access to the library. You'll never pay another cent beyond that
(long as you don't utterly destroy or steal anything), and all of the
funds go into an end-of-the-year club ice cream trip to Flayvors! Free
ice cream! Yay!!! 

And of course, if you want to check things out, come down to Mod 27 in
Greenwhich! Just shoot Gabriella a text at 203-448-8404 and say who you
are before you stop by (so she doesn't think this is the beginning of a
horror film featuring an anime slasher). If it's not the best time to
show up, she'll let you know and tell you when to come back instead. 

If you have donations of your own, those are always welcome too!! Send a
text and say you'd like to drop some stuff off, and we'll be glad to
have you.

2. Anime Boston is coming up on the horizon! After much discussion and a
formal (and successful) Risk Management appointment, we've determined
our deadline for having everybody who's interested submit their
information is going to be February 20th. We know it's pretty early in
advance, but with the process of filling out all of the forms AB
requires, we don't have much choice but to start it quicker. :C But
obviously in the case of a family/other emergency, you won't need to pay
your fee back to the CLA; that's only if you opt out for other reasons. 

If you are interested in going and know for sure you won't need to drop
at this moment in time, feel free to send your info as follows: 

Full Name
Home Address (street, city, state, zip code)
Date of Birth (ex: 07/15/94)
Desired Badge Name (can be anything from "Gabbi" to "memefucker69". but
please don't make us submit "memefucker69" as your badge name.) 

We advise waiting until you know your schedule and how everything falls
into place before sending us that information, but if you end up needing
to drop anytime before February 20th, there are no strings attached. But
if you drop after February 20th, you'll have to pay the CLA back your
ticket fee, which is $55. And that's no fun. :C We will be finalizing
all info on that day, so plan wisely and accordingly! 

We're capping this trip at 25 people, no more no less, and
unfortunately, we don't have extra room in vehicles for non-club
members. Hotel rooms are the same deal, though there may be exceptions
if you speak with signers first; we don't mean to be jerks, but hotel
rooms will not be massive, and with 25 of us (at max) in four rooms, it
will be a friendly squeeze as is. And again, we're giving priority to
people who have A) not gone to cons last year or this year, and B) to
first years. So if you've been to a bunch of cons a bunch of times, try
to save some space for your pals. We do go to AB every year, so we
promise you'll get your chance again soon! It's just to ensure everybody
gets their chances in the long run. 

As a general reminder, we're meeting in the lot behind the library at 6
AM on April 3rd to get packed up, get vehicles ready, so on. It's early
(sobs) but it'll be so much fun you won't even feel the need to sleep
(or your hands trembling softly because you didn't)! 

3. Our screenings won't start up again for the semester until Friday,
January 30th! Hopefully everyone will be back by then, and we'll all be
adjusted to the swing of things. During that meeting we'll be discussing
lineup stuff, so don't miss it if you can help it! We'll be using the
poll system again, but we promise it'll be muuuuch smoother this time.
Don't worry. 

Phew. That covers it! Sorry for the massive info dump, but we hope that
clears things up! If you have any questions, feel free to email a
signer. C: 

That's all for now! Stay tuned! We can't wait to see you again!! 

- Gabriella, Meghan, & Lisette ♪ ☆ ★ ♫ ❤ 
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