[Asianmedia] Also AB itinerary so far

ef11 at hampshire.edu ef11 at hampshire.edu
Tue Mar 4 16:29:30 EST 2014

Re: photo ID -- will a regular school ID be enough, or is a  
state-issued one necessary?

Quoting Katherine Roman <ker10 at hampshire.edu>:

> Tentative, but I figured I'd get this out:
> Departure:
> 8:00- 8:30 AM on Friday, March 21
> Cars:
> *Mike*
> Pat
> Me
> Breton
> Lauren
> *Grace*
> Emma
> Jesse
> Jesse
> Joe
> Van peeps:
> Amara
> Konstantin
> Ivana
> Winnie
> Zach
> *Gabi*
> Lisette
> Chandra
> *Annie*
> Meghan
> Eli
> Matt
> Keith
> Rooms I know Gabi apparently had hers set up?? With Chandra, Lisette,
> Annie, her and..was there someone else?
> My room is my car
> I'm gonna assume that Joe, Emma, Jesse, Jesse and Grace are one room, so
> that's three down :3
> We have 4 rooms, so roughly five people a room. Pleeassee no more than 5
> per room, it gets crowded and cosplay things die. Please discuss with yo
> friends what you want your rooms to be and let me knooooow.
> *ETA at the hotel: 10:30-11*
> When we get to the hotel, we're going to drop people and their stuff off
> and ya'll will chill in the lobby [it's a big lobby] while Zach and I check
> us in. Drivers will park the vans and zipcars in the prudential center lot
> and then pop over to the hotel :3 We can try bringing some of your stuff if
> people have free arms to help you out.
> Blah blah, we get our room keys. I think they come in envelopes, so I'll
> give them to *one person per room.* I believe we get *four room keys*,
> which is another reason why I'd like no more than 5 people per room. *Please
> don't put them near your phone*, the Sheraton keys from my experience [this
> is i think my 5th or 6th AB yayyy] *do* deactivate and I believe the entire
> room's keys will have to be replaced. *this is a huge pain in the ass*.
> Rooms do not have free wifi, which hurts my soul as well.
> Venture over to the con center, which is *so easy to find i can't even*.
> take the elevator down to the first floor, BAM YOU'RE THERE IT'S CONNECTED,
> BIKINI AND HEELS FOR LIKE 5 MINUTES TRUST ME. Get in the pre-reg line, bam.
> Done.
> *Photo ID is required, obvs.*
> ~have fun during the con~
> Checkout is Sunday I think at like 10 or 11? What we usually do is bag
> check until we're ready to leave. I tried a great strategy at Katsu, which
> was call up a trolley at like 9:30 so that way we skipped alllllll the
> lines to put our stuff in check. I believe Sheraton policy is returning all
> our keys, too.
> *You'll need to give me your badges so we can prove to the CLA that we
> went--not like we hauled ass for this con and would suddenly abandon it or
> something. which reminds me, i still have AAC badges that i'll bring to
> this week's screening.*
> Cars are retrieved from parking, and come up to the hotel to pick us up and
> we are on our way. I think our time to leave was like 4 or 5?? And yes, we
> have to leave together.
> As one.
> *a weaboo blob.*
> But yeah, that's pretty much it. You're 18+, responsible for yourselves, if
> you experience an injury please have someone nab a staff member and they
> have first aid on site. Also contact me at 413-658-5693 to let me know.
> *Unless it's a family emergency or you fall deathly ill, if you back out
> before the con, you will owe the CLA I think 55 bucks. That's just their
> stupid dumb policy that I fucking hate* but they had a huge problem with
> our club [and others] and people backing out of events they had paid for
> like, a week beforehand, thus costing the school hundreds of dollars.
> blah blah blah. obvi we'll go over this at next week's screening, and i'll
> answer any last questions.
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