[Asianmedia] Also AB itinerary so far

John C. Watson jwatson8 at comcast.net
Wed Mar 5 02:43:04 EST 2014

On 04 March 2014, at 14:41, Katherine Roman wrote:

 > Rooms do not have free wifi, which hurts my soul as well.

However, I believe the hotel lobby does.  It also has terminals which 
are free
for hotel guests--you just need a room number and the last name under 
the room is registered.


On 04 March 2014, at 16:29, ef11 at hampshire.edu wrote:

 > Re: photo ID -- will a regular school ID be enough, or is a 
state-issued one
 > necessary?

See the convention FAQ, question #4, section 2:


"2. Picking up your pre-registered badge:

     "* In order to prove to us that you are who you say you are (and so 
else can claim to be you and steal your badge), we require everyone who 
registers to show a photo ID when they pick up their convention 
badge at Registration.
     "* If you are 18 or over, you must present a photo ID. Driver's 
(learner's permits are valid) and passport are the most obvious. Other 
of ID are valid only if they have your name and photo."
<snip more info>

      John C. Watson

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