[Asianmedia] Screening tonight! 7pm-WLH

Katherine Roman ker10 at hampshire.edu
Fri Sep 27 15:15:13 EDT 2013

With AAC questions hopefully answered extremely clearly!

Showing FREE! Attack on Titan, and Magi <3
If people decide against magi, we can change it for next week, don't worry
your adorable heads <3

And again, the signers really love and appreciate you guys stickin' with us
and being enthusiastic. It's legit wonderful and heartwarming since this
club was SO close to dying out. You saved us!
Much love,

its an ot3 name

WEST LECTURE HALL OF FPH 7PM TONIGHT! <3 be there or be sugoi. And in case
sibie's messes up again, please bring your own cup!

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