[Asianmedia] Zipcar link!

Katherine Roman ker10 at hampshire.edu
Fri Sep 27 15:13:01 EDT 2013

Here's the email I got directly from the CLA:

Hi Kat,

Below is the zip car student group membership link:

When you go to the page, click on I'd like to join my department's existing
Zipcar account. It will bring up a list of departments on campus, Student
Groups is on the second page of the list I believe, you click on that and
then complete the application.

http://www.zipcar.com/**hampshire/ <http://www.zipcar.com/hampshire/>

You can't make a reservation until you receive your zip card in the mail so
the sooner you fill it out the better.  Please let me know if you have any

Thank you,



Even if you have a zipcar account, you gotta do it anyways! The accounts
will be linked.
If you don't have an account, you can put in all your drivers' info anyways
and it'll still create a student group account. This means that we don't
have to pay for zipcar! We can't make reservations till cards come in the
mail, so the wait is on. Even if we have a surplus of drivers, that is
still *excellent*.

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