[Asianmedia] Screening, screening, screening!

Juliet Sofia Kahn jsk08 at hampshire.edu
Tue Feb 23 22:28:55 EST 2010

Dearest Asian Media,

First off, sorry about last week not actually containing any Sayonara Zetsubou
Sensei eps--my Div II filing went a bit awry and I wasn't able to show, and
given my laptop has the whole series on it...well, needless to say there was no
DESPAAAAIIIR present. Next week, perhaps! And you really should turn out for
SZS, it's as good as people say. Though if you aren't as geeky and abreast of
~~The Internet's~~ anime opinions as I...well, just take my word for it.

BUT DON'T FRET--Wednesday at 8 brings you a fresh meeting of Asian Media! We
will be watching more episodes of Macross and a movie entitled Linda Linda
Linda. Wikipedia tells me that L3 is about a bunch of high school girls forming
a rock band and also that it has an excellent DVD cover:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Lindalindalindadvdcover.jpg. Basically it
sounds like K-On!, except not terrible.

(I apologize to all moe-fans reading this, I'm not strictly against anime
centered around cute girls doing cute things in cute ways. I totally dug Haruhi
and even Lucky Star. But K-On! was completely mindless.)

UH ANYWAY. Macross Macross Macross, Linda Linda Linda, Awesome Awesome Awesome.
Don't slip in the snow on your way over to FPH!

Yours till the Gainax Ending,


p.s. I am taking a class on anime and manga at UMass. There's a whole class on
yaoi, another on Pokemon, one of our textbooks is Ranma 1/2, and the professor
is a grown up weeaboo in a bowtie. Jealous?

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