[Asianmedia] Hello and used Manga

Tristan Athearn-Hess tba04 at stout.hampshire.edu
Fri Sep 15 20:51:06 EDT 2006

Hello everyone!

It's your friendly neighborhood Dakin-ite signer here! I'll be  
organizing next week's Asianmedia screenings and, let me tell you, I  
have some good stuff to show you all!  You can look forward to  
another email later in the week that will detail what we will be  
showing, but in the mean time, let me take a moment out of my busy  
schedule to talk about a serious problem plaguing America (Dakin  
G207, especially): too much manga in the libraries of Americans just  
like you (or, in this case, me.) I have too much manga. Far too much.  
Ok, there's no such thing as too much manga: I lied. Regardless, I am  
selling some of my used manga to make space in my shelves and reduce  
available space in my wallet. I'm asking for about $5 per volume and  
what doesnt get sold to you all will be sold to Anime Ink in NoHo.  
This is what I have to sell:

Cowboy Bebop- volumes 1, 2 and 3!
Cowboy Bebop Shooting Star- both volumes!
Read or Die- volumes 1 and 2!
Ghost In The Shell Re-release- extended edition with several full  
color pages!
Ghost In The Shell 2 Re-release- same as above only this one is  
MOSTLY full color!

if anyone is interested in buying any of these, you can either drop  
by my room (G207) or email me at tba04 at hampshire.edu

It'll probably be easier to reach me by email than by simply dropping  
by. Well, I look forward to seeing everyone on Thursday or sooner and  
thank you for reading to the end of this very chaotic email!

Tristan Athearn-Hess 

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