[Asianmedia] ZOMG! Asian Media - The triumphant return!

Sam Ross sar04 at hampshire.edu
Sat Mar 25 01:22:27 EST 2006

Ah, the sun, the surf, the seagulls...volleyball games, keg parties, frisbee

All representatives of places and things which would've made my spring a hell of
a lot more interesting than it is currently.

Well, in case you didn't notice, we also didn't have Asian Media this week.
Something about no one being there. Technical oversight, or some other

But stay tuned, because as soon as everyone gets back, we're here to tell you
that we're going to fill as much of the time we've got left with so much asian
media, you won't be able to eat Chinese, Japanese, or Indian takeout for a

So what've we got in the works? How about a new series? That do anything for ya?
A little thing called Haibane Renmei, which I know some of you might have seen,
but isn't it worth seeing again? Plus you can tease all the people who haven't
with fake spoilers. Look for more info on that in the email next week.

Then, the first Thursday of April may be advising day, but after your advisor
tells you how badly you're failing out of Hampshire, come check out our Akira
Kurosawa marathon, chock full of movies from one of the most famous and
influencial Japanese filmmakers ever. Again, more info to come.

Finally, the very last week when you're freaking out about Friday finals or
packing up to get the hell out of here, I hear rumors of a night filled with
imitation Asian Media and DDR...

So yeah, lots of kick ass fun stuff. Stay tuned for info in the next few days on
next Thursday's screening.


Sam Ross
Box 1384, Hampshire College
893 West Street
Amherst, MA 01002

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