[Asianmedia] Screening for 3-30-06

Sam Ross sar04 at hampshire.edu
Mon Mar 27 21:33:33 EST 2006

Hey all,
I'm not sure how you managed last week without a dose of Asian Media. I almost
had the urge to run around the country and make you watch the entirety of
Evangelion in one sitting.


So instead, I will put this energy to better use and tell you what we're showing
this week.

8:00 - Minbo (Or the Gentle Art of Japanese Extortion) - From the creator of the
movie “Tampopo” comes “Minbo”, a dark comedy about the intimidation tactics of
the Yakuza, AKA the Japanese Mafia. A large Japanese Hotel is trying to score a
contract as the site of the important summit. Unfortunately, this hotel is a
popular Yakuza hangout, and the owner is told to rid his hotel of them before
it can even be considered. But his crack task force of his accountant and his
bellhop stand no chance, until they hear of a female lawyer who’s famous for
dealing with the thugs

10:00 - Haibane Renmei - Imagine falling through the sky and then waking up
inside a giant cocoon and breaking your way free, only to find yourself face to
face with people with halos and wings in the middle of a run down mansion. This
is only the beginning of the mystery Rakka will face as she becomes the newest
member of Haibane Renmei, the Charcoal Feathers Federation.

Amazing? Awesome? You damn well better believe it. And remember, as always,
Asian Media is in the East Lecture Hall of FPH.

See you space cowboys,

Sam Ross
Box 1384, Hampshire College
893 West Street
Amherst, MA 01002

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