[Yurt] Hey Yurties

Maxime Simonet maximesimonet at gmail.com
Tue Oct 26 09:08:45 EDT 2010

Two pieces of news:

Recording is still down as far as I know. I've known this whole weekend and
haven't had the heart to tell y'all, 'specially since it means I've lost two
kickin' shows. But we'll keep truckin'! Bruner is actively working on it.

Second of all, Hampshire Halloween is soon and people with Friday shows may
be interested in what that means.

Now, in the past Public Safety has handled all key requests and not allowed
people to check out keys during Halloween. But we as students are now in
charge of our key. Though I'm going to talk about it with my fellow signers,
I'm pretty positive the conclusion will be all Friday shows this week will
be canceled after 4:30 pm to ensure no reckless folks barge in a cause
havoc. Dig?

Confirmation of this will be sent out tomorrow.

*-max simonet*
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