[DEATH TO THE CLIMAX] One last layout

Jonathan Gardner jrg11 at hampshire.edu
Tue Apr 22 21:20:17 EDT 2014


This Thursday, April 24th, we'll have our very last layout of the
semester. It's been fun, but after that we'll have to say goodbye to the
Omen until September. We'll be finishing out the year with the
long-awaited fulfillment of two years worth of silly jokes, though: the
Omen Mitzvah! Which will mostly consist of me reading aloud a passage
from the Holy Scripture (i.e. a past Omen) and making a speech about it,
followed by eating the ceremonial pizza. So all in all, not all that
different from regular Omen layout. Hope to see you there. 


P.S.: If you have spare copies of last week's Omen that you would be
willing to contribute for archive purposes, that would be super
helpful--there's one copy in the office, but if . Someone threw them all
away because they're a dick. Either that or they just really, REALLY
wanted a huge collection of that one specific Omen. 

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