[DEATH TO THE CLIMAX] distribution volunteers?

Rachel Kate Ithen rki09 at hampshire.edu
Mon Feb 20 17:37:25 EST 2012

Hi Omen folk!

I am here to ask you all of a big favor. Our Valentines issues will FINALLY be
ready tomorrow (after many silly problems that we signers had to deal with).
However, I'm in class for most of the time that duplications is open. Do I have
any trusty volunteers to help with distribution? E-mail me back if you're
interested, and with what times you're available. I'll find a time that works
for multiple people and e-mail those folks back. Remember, e-mail ME, not the

Also, one designated person of this group needs to grab three very important
things and return them to the Omen office asap. I suppose if it's not a signer
or something then they can just bring it to layout this Thursday. But DO NOT
LOSE these things. Please. Muy importante. Those three things are:

1. The original print of the issue (all of the pages printed individually, often
in color, paperclipped together, you'll probably see it right away)
2. 10 issues for the archives
3. The yellow receipt from duplications (***VERY IMPORTANT)

Keep in mind we had to split up this issue into 2, so there should actually be
20 copies that you're bringing to the office. 10 of each. Yeah? Yeah.

Please e-mail me (rki09) if you can help out.

Thanks, lovelies!

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