[DEATH TO THE CLIMAX] Thursday distribution

Rachel Kate Ithen rki09 at hampshire.edu
Tue Apr 5 16:38:37 EDT 2011

Hiya folks.

So I usually distribute the issues by myself (don't ask why) but I've finally
come to realize that boxes of paper are effing heavy, and I'm a weakling. I'm
having a friend visit this weekend and blah blah lots of other information
you're not interested in hearing about. Basically, I have no idea when on
Thursday I'll get to stop by duplications to pick up the copies.

If you are free this Thursday sometime between 1 and 4pm, e-mail me
(rki09 at hampshire.edu) with a phone number or something and when you'd be free
to help out. That way whenever I do end up getting them I can just text someone
if I need them.

Thanks, yo.


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