[Climate Justice] Thanks for a great symposium!

Eco Rep Symposium ben.d at greeneru.com
Fri Nov 22 17:59:12 EST 2013

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** Thanks for a great symposium!

** The 2013 Eco Rep Symposium was a huge success! Here is what we accomplished together:
** 143 attendees!
** 25 institutions!
** 9 states!
** 99.2% waste diversion!
** One great day!

** Next, do these three things:

** 1. We need your feedback!
Take our 13 question post-event survey! (http://greeneru.us5.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=cd95df61f44dc2c1a36a10f16&id=193776f98a&e=1a7df7618e))

2. Are you interested in hosting next year's event?
Apply to be next year's host! (http://greeneru.us5.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=cd95df61f44dc2c1a36a10f16&id=60695452b8&e=1a7df7618e)

3. Join the Northeast Eco Reps Facebook page!

** ...where you can see photos from this year's event and collaborate all year long (PS: Thanks to our photographer Logan Stec!)
Check it out! (http://greeneru.us5.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=cd95df61f44dc2c1a36a10f16&id=7afef54371&e=1a7df7618e)

Bonus: Making Connections

We collected information on a whole slew of social media accounts. Be sure to connect with each other so you can keep the good times rolling!
* BU: @sustainableBU (Twitter), @sustainable_BU (Instagram), sustainability at BU (Facebook)
* Keene State College: Keene State Eco Reps (Facebook)
* Dartmouth: Dartmouth Sustainability (FB)
* Babson: @BabsonSustain (Twitter), @BabsonEcoRep (Twitter)
* Bentley: @BentleyEcoReps, @GreenBentley (Twitter)
* Brown: BrownEcoReps (FB), BrownIsGreen (FB)
* Bowdoin: Sustainable Bowdoin (Facebook), Sustainable Bowdoin (Instagram)
* Wesleyan: Wesleyan Sustainability (Instagram), Wesleyan Sustainability Office (FB)
* UMass: UMass Amherst Sustainability (FB), umass.edu.ecorep (EcoRep website)
* BC: Boston College EcoReps (FB)
* Champlain College: Champlain College Eco Reps (FB)
* Princeton: Princeton Office of Sustainability (FB)
* Connecticut College: @ccsustainable (Twitter), @ccsustainable (Instagram), Sustainability at Connecticut College (FB)
* Mount Holyoke: facebook.com/mhecoreps (FB)
* University of Vermont: @uvmecoreps (Twitter), uvmecoreps (Instagram), uvmecoreps (FB)
* Tufts: Tufts Eco Reps (FB), @tuftsoos (Twitter), tuftsecoreps at gmail.com (mailto:tuftsecoreps at gmail.com)
* Emerson: EmersonEcoReps (FB), emerson.edu/sustainability
* Bard: @bardecoreps (Twitter), Bard Eco-Reps (FB)
* UMass Dartmouth: @sustainmassd (Twitter), Green Navigators (FB)
* Lehigh University: @LUECOREPS (Twitter), Lehigh University Eco Reps (FB)

** Thank you to everyone for your contributions! This event wouldn't be possible without you!


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