[Newleaf] 2/8 meeting notes

Rebecca Simone Siegel rss07 at hampshire.edu
Tue Feb 8 20:46:18 EST 2011

Dining commons
Melia will be the point person for contacting Dave
we will offer to do dish collection- can be bargaining chip

dining commons goals:
get rid bottled water in fph lounge faculty lunches and in bag lunches
higher quality food
stop having disposable salt and pepper shakers
reclaim our bulletin board board
	put up: info about salt and pepper shakers, food sustainability info, Jackson
and Josh's bottled water signs
no paper bowls by the ice cream
compost at bridge
get rid of single-use condiment/ sugar/ etc packets
replace bottle water at indoor catered events  (could they bring pitchers and
washable SAGA cups?)

hampshire sustainability revolving fund
it would be great to have new leaf folks collaborating on this.
the premise: This would be a fund set aside by the college for energy efficiency
and clean energy  proects (for example installing compact fluorescent
lightbulbs, or installing a solar hot water system in a building).  Money is
loaned to the projects from the fund, and then the loan is repaid to the fund
with the savings from the project.  For example: Money from the fund is used to
replace an old refrigerator with a more efficient one.  The new fridge consumes
less electricity, so the college's electricity bill goes down.  The savings in
the electricity bill are used to pay back the fund, so the fund is replenished.
 We hope that the environmental committee will administer the fund.

Last semester, four students wrote a charter and some operating procedures, made
contacts with IA, presidents office,  business office, and  physical plant. 
This semester we need to get the fund online.  This includes: presenting the
fund to the environmental committee,  getting the president's office to give it
the big Ok, doing a pilot project, finalizing the operating procedures, and

paper project
need people to distribute boxes
need to make a half-page description
last year, we put boxes in health service and admissions (they both still have
their boxes and collect)
lets start with: airport lounge, library printers
distribute boxes on advising day, meet at the bus circle at 1:30
people will distribute boxes to offices, and the person who put the box in the
office is in charge of checking to see if that box is full throughout the

do a campus wide sustainability event to get out the word about the president's
climate commitment

bottled water
rebecca will email larry archey to find out about emergency bottled water

submission deadline monday
2-3 pages double
andrea will write an article about bottled water
possible subjects: dining hall (if we're trying to work with them, then we have
to be careful about what we say) (Melia can do this), biking opportunities in
the pioneer valley (maybe in the spring?) (Melia can collaborate), 
sustainability map and talk about the spots on it, revolving fund (Rebecca can
do this), green roof project (in a while), solar charger class (Andrea or maybe
someone from the class)

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