[Libri] October 15 - Renaissance Center Open Print Shop

Jim Wald jwald at hampshire.edu
Tue Oct 12 09:39:53 EDT 2010

  October 15 - Open Print Shop. The Renaissance Center's Master Printer 
Penni Martorell will be available to demonstrate and answer questions 
concerning the Center's Stansbury Press from 3:00 onward.  Anyone who is 
interested is welcome.

For a full listing of Center events see our calendar 
http://www.umass.edu/renaissance/calendar.htm on our new website.

Massachusetts Center for Interdisciplinary Renaissance Studies
650 East Pleasant St.
Amherst, MA 01002
renaissance at english.umass.edu
The Center's new website is at http://www.umass.edu/renaissance. Take 
some time to explore the online collections, research materials and a 
full list of our events.
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