[Jewish] Tashlich today at 5pm! (and more...)

Rachel Schoenfeld rschoenfeld at hampshire.edu
Wed Oct 5 11:35:38 EDT 2011

Today is *Tashlich!*

Come gather in the Merrill living room *today at 5pm.*  We'll walk 
together to water, and throw our wrongdoings (in the form of 
breadcrumbs) in.  All are welcome!

And - lots coming up - mark your calenders....
*Yom Kippur,* Friday eve & Saturday - if you need a ride, let me know
*Break-the-fast, *Saturday at 7pm in the Merrill Living Room
*Sukkot, *Wednesday the 12th at UMASS (details to come)
*Shabbat Sukkot, *Friday the 14th at 5:30pm in the Merrill Living Room 
(or Sukkah), with Shahar
*Simchat Torah, *Thursday eve the 20th at UMASS (details to come) /let 
me know if you'd like to read Torah!/

Rabbi Rachel Schoenfeld, Coordinator for Religious Identities and 
Political Intersections, Spiritual Life, Hampshire College, 413-559-5282
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