[Jewish] spiritual life magazine submissions

Chelsea Catherine Faria ccf08 at hampshire.edu
Mon Apr 4 22:24:24 EDT 2011


 I just wanted to extend the invitation over to anyone interested in submitting
poetry/prose/fiction/nonfiction writing to the Spiritual Life Magazine. This is
a new publication....the first issue will be coming out quite soon, and I was
hoping to portray a diverse amount of faiths in its pages. However, submissions
have been slow. So, if anyone is interested in sending over any types of writing
(either that you have written, or poems that you want to send in that are
written by famous poets) please send over anything. I am one of the editors of
the magazine, and hope to put something in that recognizes and acknowledges the
active Jewish community on campus. We're also accepting
photos/art/illustrations. Also, extend this invitation to anyone else who you
think may be interested, or if you are interested in sending submissions that
do not have to do with Judaism, but any part of your spiritual identity. That
also works.

  Thanks! :]

    Chelsea Faria

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