[Jewish] [Mindful Torah] (Hopefully) Daily Psalm Commentary Begins

Rabbi Steven Nathan mindfultorah at gmail.com
Tue Apr 20 17:54:32 EDT 2010

I'm going to try to comment on a verse from the psalm designated for
that day in the Jewish tradition as a mindfulness practice, so I
figured I'd share them with you. I hope to be able to do this every day
and keep them as brief as possible. If not, I'll try not to judge
myself too harshly!
So here comes my first effort:Psalm 82, Vs. 1 (sorry this comes so late
in the day): "God stands within God's community; in the midst of "gods"
the Eternal judges." We are all connected through a power greater than
ourselves. Wherever we are, we are constantly surrounded by
other 'gods', other forces that pull us and tempt us. But in the midst
of all this we must find our center...that sense of connection that
which grounds us in the moment.

Posted By Rabbi Steven Nathan to Mindful Torah at 4/20/2010 05:54:00 PM
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