[Jewish] Thank you!

RL Sarafconn rls01 at hampshire.edu
Fri Sep 24 09:58:10 EDT 2004

Hello all, 

I wanted to wish you all a sweet new year and an easy fast.  Also, I wanted to 
make sure to thank some of you for the wonderful work you're doing for the 
Hampshire Jewish community.

Rabbi Lisa- It is fantastic to have you as our rabbi. Your presence alone makes 
everything easier for us and your continued efforts and support really  help to 
make each holiday and event run smoother and feel more meaningful. Thank you.

Lexi, Elana, and Daniela- Thank you so much for being our signers, going to 
that nasty training day, and really taking responsibility that every program 
works out.

Lexi- Your work bringing High Holiday services to Hampshire has been fantastic. 
Never before have we had services here and never before have I heard so many 
Hampshire Jews saying such wonderful things about JSU. Yasher Kochach.

Elana-Thank you so much for helping to get the Sukkah set up and for helping to 
cook with all of our various meals.  You have no idea how much easier that made  
my past couple of weeks knowing you had things under control.

Daniela- You're so awesome for agreeing to read Torah for us at Simhat Torah. 
It makes me proud to know that you will be representing Hampshire.  I know 
you'll read it beautifully and I'm very sorry I'll miss it. Thank you.

Rachel Gross- Way to step up to the plate in your first semester! I'm so 
excited to work with you as a five-college rep and to have company and support 
at the meetings.  Also, I'm thrilled to have newer students getting active 
right away and ensuring the longevity of JSU. Thanks so much!

And Thank you to everyone who has come to our events so far this year and 
signed up to be on this list.  It really means a lot to us older students to 
have others interested in joining and continuing the JSU traditions. We really 
can't do it without you guys and we just love to have more people to cook for 
and celebrate with. This is going to be a fantastic year.

L'shana tova,


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