[Jewish] Sukkot

RL Sarafconn rls01 at hampshire.edu
Sun Sep 12 23:31:09 EDT 2004

Hey guys!

Well, Rosh Hashana is nearly upon us and you know what that means. So is Yom 
Kippur, Sukkot, and Simhat Torah.

I have a few of those free L'shana tova cards to decorate the sukkah with and 
can make another of my lovely paper chains. What about the sukkah? What is the 
official procedure for getting it out of storage and set up in the field? Did 
we buy permanent skach last year or not? Are we back to sumac branches again?  
First night in the sukkah is Wednesday, the 29th of September. We should start 
planning dinners in there now. Do we want to buy a lantern or something ahead 
of time this year? Do we all want to make sure our winter coats are out of 

Just start thinking about it! L'shana tova.


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