[Jewish] Lulav and Etrog

RL Sarafconn rls01 at hampshire.edu
Mon Oct 4 11:48:36 EDT 2004

Hey guys,

I just wanted to remind all of you that we do have a lulav and etrog that 
anyone is welcome to use. They're in my fridge right now to keep them fresh but 
that is not meant to limit their availability in the slightest.

I tried them out today and I can assure you they are in excellent operating 
condition and smell fantastic.

Please stop by and use them whenever you want. I live in Enfield mod 53. We 
have two refrigerators. The lulav and etrog are in the one by the back door.  
If you would like help learning how to do it, need to know where east is, or 
would like to borrow a kippa, tallis, tfillin, or prayerbook for the occasion, 
I live right on the second floor, the door with the mezzuzah and my name on it.

Really, please use the lulav and etrog. They came all the way from Israel and 
it would be a shame for them to waste away without being properly used.

Also, as you may have noticed, our sukkah is seriously lacking a roof.  Now 
that Shabbat and the first two days of Sukkot are over, we have more time to 
cut down branches and make our sukkah kosher and beautiful. Please help us do 

Thanks so much.



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