[Jewish] Join me in signing the Call to Bring the Settlers Home to Israel

jlz98 at hampshire.edu jlz98 at hampshire.edu
Fri May 30 10:54:12 EDT 2003

> Dear JSU members,

This petition (and the latest email response to Jesse's email) makes the claim 
that making a financial incentive for the 200,000 Issaeli settlers in the west 
bank to leave their homes is an innocent approach which does not "mention" 
using force to remove people from their homes. 

At best, this is simply uninformed. 

Let's say this plan starts to take effect in its ideal intention, and thousands 
of Israeli settlers begin to move back to Israel "proper."  This is going to 
promote "peace and justice?"

For those of you who signed this petition, I guess you didn't think 
realistically about the remaining settlers, who do not wish, under any 
circumstances, to leave their homes due to their religion or race. Do you think 
that it is not using "force" to be left vulnerable to the repeated attacks, 
bombings, and shootings that the Palestinians have used to express their 
perspective?  Do you think that mass evacuation of the Israeli settlements and 
a slow and steady degradation of financial support is going to suddenly inspire 
a change of heart and a change of approach?  It seems to me, that if one simply 
looks at the history of violence, and the history of a Palestinian leadership 
that openly legitimizes violence as a means to acheiving its goals, that this 
is an extreme incentive to foster an increased level of violence and terror 
upon the remaining settlers who do not wish to move from their homes and 
homeland due to their religious beliefs or their race. 

I do not believe that signing this petition is a move towards peace, or simply 
a "financial incentive."  Rather, this petition promotes a forceful use of US 
resources in legitimizing the use of violence to achieve one's goals.  

Who will then be responsible for the blood of the remaining men, women, and 
children who did not "chose" to leave their homes due to their religion? 

Jessica Zambias
former signer of JSU  

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