[GRIN] Makeup tomorrow!

Jess Ide jci12 at hampshire.edu
Sun Feb 22 11:50:00 EST 2015


Tomorrow GRIN is hosting a workshop called "Makeup for any (a)gender
presentation" in the CFF at 6pm with delicious food from Delivery Express.

This workshop is a skill sharing space for learning about makeup. You are
welcome to bring makeup but we will be focusing more on sharing skills. If
you have no experience with makeup there are people happy to teach you
about it, including what kinds to get if you're starting a new collection.

As implied by the name, the workshop will be about how makeup can create a
great femme look but additionally can make you look more masculine or
create new looks uncategorized.

For hygiene reasons, please share your makeup skills but not your makeup.

At 7pm we will have an organizing meeting which will cover organizing the
sub free event we agreed to run during queer conference and working on the
new initiative for getting faculty to be better about pronouns.

Hope to see you all there
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