[Cs254f11] 'Un-nesting' sequences to be used in assoc

Maxwell William Fair Levit mwl10 at hampshire.edu
Tue Dec 6 19:59:21 EST 2011

Hi, I'm trying to get a sequence of vectors of vectors that looks like this:

([[0 0] 1] [[0 1] 1] [[1 2] 1] [[0 3] 1])

to be the key value pairs of a call to assoc

The map I'm associng into has key values that are two place vectors, so if I
were to manualy input a mapping it would look like

(assoc board [0 0] 1 [2 2] 5) and so on.

Is there some way to un-sequence my list? Keep in mind that this is a specific
arbitrary example, and my  sequence of vectors will vary in length throughout a
single execution.


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