[Circulation] Key #106 is missing

Suzanne Karanikis smkLO at hampshire.edu
Wed Apr 18 13:24:32 EDT 2018


Hello All, 

One of the gallery keys, #106, is currently missing in action. The
student who last had it claimed she returned it last night, yet it never
got checked in from her account and we do not have it in the box. I
spoke with Amy, the gallery director, and she gave me the ok to check it
in from the student's account and to update the item status to "On
Search" . Please do check in the key when it comes across the InfoBar
and that will clear the search status. And If it does turn up today,
which I hope it will, please do email me to let me know so that I can
let Amy know when it's back in our hands. 

If a student needs to get in to the gallery and the other key, #105 is
checked out, let me or Tierra know and we can let the student in to the
gallery with a key that we do not loan out. 



Suzanne Karanikis
Circulation Supervisor
Harold F. Johnson Library
Hampshire College
893 West Street 
Amherst, MA 01002
phone: 413-559-5762
fax: 413-559-5419
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