[Circulation] Updated Late Shift Schedule

Suzanne Karanikis smkLO at hampshire.edu
Mon Apr 16 21:15:34 EDT 2018


Hi All, 

Edits were made to the late shift schedule. Late shifts begin this
Sunday and end Thursday, May 10. The shifts run from midnight to 2am and
since no supervisor is on duty we need two students to be working these
shifts. We will continue to close at 10pm on both Friday and Saturday
nights during this period. 

Here is the new schedule: 

Sunday: Elijah and Logan (4/22 and 4/29; Bri 5/6)
Monday: Zach and Elijah
Tuesday: Shelby and Elijah
Wednesday: Elijah and Justin
Thursday: Zach and Justin 



Suzanne Karanikis
Circulation Supervisor
Harold F. Johnson Library
Hampshire College
893 West Street 
Amherst, MA 01002
phone: 413-559-5762
fax: 413-559-5419
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