[Circulation] Kenzie, Lenka, Sarah D shift switch? Please respond!

Narieka Masla nmasla at students.naropa.edu
Wed Jan 27 15:13:42 EST 2016

Hi guys, I'm sorry to be so annoying about a shift swap but I really need
to figure this out. I am scheduled to work Tuesdays 8-12. I cannot work
this shift unless I change a lot in my schedule, which I cant really do.
I'm very tight on money right now and need to work so im trying to figure
this all out asap. Kenzie, Lenka or Sarah. I am wondering if one of you
could switch shifts with me? Please respond and let me know if you can or
not because if no one can switch, I need to figure out an alternative
before add drop ends.
If you can switch I would be sooooooooo enormously grateful!!

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