[ASL]Conference this week! "Signs and Voices: Language, Arts, and Identity from Deaf to Hearing"

Kaitlyn Millen kmam02 at hampshire.edu
Mon Nov 8 13:45:42 EST 2004

Hey guys, this looks awesome! The best part is that it's free! For those in 
the ASL class, this can definitely count as a Deaf Community Event. I might 
go so let me know if you want to carpool!

Hey there,
I just found out about this conference which starts this Thursday at 
Swarthmore, Haverford, and Bryn Mawr colleges, called "Signs and Voices: 
Language, Arts, and Identity from Deaf to Hearing." I'm sorry I didn't know
about it sooner, it looks like a great event!  See below for more 
information, or go to


Signs and Voices: Language, Arts, and Identity from Deaf to Hearing
November 11-14, 2004
At Swarthmore, Haverford, and Bryn Mawr Colleges

All events are free and open to the public.
Interpreters (from English to ASL and/or from ASL to English) and CART
supplied at all events except those where they would not be helpful.


Art Exhibit

CEU's for Teachers and for Certified Interpreters

Children's Activities

Directions and Maps (including campus maps)





Another event of interest at Haverford College:

Thursday, Nov. 11 - at Swarthmore College (Upper Tarble)

7:30 p.m. -    Two comedy routines followed by a reception

Welcome by Donna Jo Napoli (SC faculty)

Introduction by Carol Finkel (of Creative Access of Philadelphia)

>      Kathy Buckley.  Kathy is deaf and will perform orally. She is
audacious, funny, moving, and inspiring.

>      Ken Glickman.  Ken is deaf and uses primarily ASL. He presents
view of Deaf culture from the perspective of a Deaf comedian.

Both entertain with humor and grace, exploring absurdities and
frustrations common to people who, for one reason or another, fall
the expectations of the mainstream.

Opening-Night Reception catered by Dennis Dillahunt, chef
who is deaf

Friday, Nov. 12 - at Swarthmore College (Science Center 101)

3:00-5:00 p.m. -  Reception for Art Exhibit. All are invited to McCabe
Library Lobby for the opening of the art exhibit, which includes
sculpture, painting, photography (see below).

4:30 p.m. -    Carol Padden - Introduced by Shannon Allen (alumna of
and teacher at PSD) "Deaf Communities the World Over:
The Past, Present and Future of Deafness"

Carol is Professor in the Department of Communication at the University
California, San Diego.  She is deaf and has written prolifically on

7:30 p.m. -    Panel:  "Practical and Theoretical Issues of Educating
Children with Hearing Loss"

Panelists - Introduced by Sister Kathleen Schipani (of the Archdiocese
Philadelphia Deaf Apostolate):

>      Marsha Dworkin is the Supervisor of Hearing, Language, and ESL
Programs for the Delaware County Intermediate Unit. She will inform
us about oral education options in public schools from birth to
twenty-one. She is hearing.

>      Dan Salvucci is the Director of Program Development of the
Pennsylvania Auditory/Oral Center in Bryn Mawr, and will inform us
about oral education for people with hearing loss. He is hearing.

>      Joe Fischgrund is the headmaster at the Pennsylvania School for
Deaf and is an expert on language acquisition. He is hearing.

>      Irene Leigh teaches in Clinical Psychology at Gallaudet
is deaf, and is on the board of the Alexander Graham Bell
Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.  Her presentation
will be on identity issues related to cochlear implants.

>      Louise Montoya, from Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, will
discuss the mental health, social and cultural aspects of cochlear
implants for kids and families.She is hearing.

Cookies and punch by Cookies 4 Charity

Saturday, Nov. 13 - morning at Bryn Mawr College, late afternoon and
evening at Haverford College

10:00 a.m. -  David Corina (BMC - Thomas Great Hall) - Introduced by
Grobstein (BMC faculty) "Brain and Language: Insights from Studies of
American Sign Language"

David is Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of
Washington, and his research is on the cognitive and neural
representations of human language and verbal memory, studying users of
ASL. He is hearing.

1:30 p.m. -    Panel:  "Civil Rights for All People with Hearing Loss"
(BMC - Thomas Great Hall)

Panelists - Introduced by Debora Sherman (HC faculty):

>      Gregory Hlibok is deaf and works in the Disability Rights Office
the Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau of the Federal
Communications Commission.  His presentation will be on civil

>      Maggie Casteel is hard of hearing and is the Communications
Specialist/Consultant at the Pittsburgh Self Help for Hard of
Hearing People (SHHH).  She is trained in Hearing Assistive
Technology (HAT) and is committed to advancing knowledge about the
available equipment and services.

>      Christy Hennessey is deaf and is the program director for the
and hard-of-hearing services at Independent Resources in
Wilmington, Delaware.  She will talk primarily about employment
issues.  (This is not her website, but you can at least read a bit
about her.)

>      Tony Saccente is deaf and runs Deaf Services at Housing Work,
organization that provides services, housing, and advocacy to
people who are HIV positive and homeless.  He leads a support group
for clients who are deaf and are HIV positive and for other people
who are deaf and who have been affected by the epidemic.  He also
runs a peer education group which trains the participants to do
outreach into the community.

At this point the conference moves to Haverford College.

4:00 p.m. -    Brenda Jo Brueggemann (HC - Sharpless Hall) - Introduced
Kristen Lindgren (HC faculty) "Global Deaf Studies: Places and

Brenda Jo is Associate Professor of English at the Ohio State
She is hard of hearing and writes in her book Lend Me Your Ear:
Constructions of Deafness and elsewhere about "passing" and about
negotiating hearing, deaf, and Deaf worlds in her personal and
professional lives.

7:30 p.m. -    Flying Words Project (HC - Sharpless Hall), followed by
reception - Introduced by Brenda Jo Brueggemann (conference presenter)
Susan Burch

Peter Cook is a poet and storyteller who is deaf and signs, and Kenny
Lerner, who is on the faculty at the Rochester Institute of Technology,
his hearing voice. Their performances are energetic, involving, and
enlightening. To watch a bit of The Flying Words Project, click here.

Evening Reception

Sunday, Nov. 14 - at Swarthmore College (PAC Stage)

1:00 p.m. -    Artistic performances by children from The Pennsylvania
School for the Deaf and a dance performance by The Wild Zappers,
by a storytelling workshop and closing reception.

Closing Address by Connie Hungerford (SC Provost)

The Pennsylvania School for the Deaf student performance - Introduced
Shannon Allen  (SC alumna and teacher at PSD)

SC students in Donna Jo Napoli's Linguistics class will spend the fall
semester working on rhythm and movement with a first-grade class; this
performance will be the culmination of that project. Shannon is the
children's teacher.

The Wild Zappers - Introduced by Carol Finkle (of Creative Access of

The Wild Zappers are an all-male dance group that seeks to enrich
professional arts for people with hearing loss, especially males, as
focus on the beauty of dance, theater, and sign language, while
an uplifting experience for all types of audiences. They build on
African-American dance traditions, They are deaf.

Joseph Ward - Introduced by Doreen DeLuca  (SC faculty)

Joe is the Accounting Coordinator and Social Rehab Coordinator of the
Center on Hearing and Deafness in West Chester, PA, and a wonderful
storyteller in ASL.  He is deaf.

Closing reception

Art Exhibit:

An art exhibit will be on view in McCabe Library, at Swarthmore
from October 25 through November 30. All of these artists are deaf or
losing their hearing. Included will be:

ceramics by Andre Pellerin (of Washington, D.C.)
digital film by Tracey Salaway (of Washington, D.C.)
paintings by Susan Dupor (of Wisconsin), Beverly Groff (of
Irene Kane (of Pennsylvania), Janet Seraphin (of Pennsylvania)
photography by Gerald Kane (of Pennsylvania)
sculpture by Jeff Carroll (of Kentucky), Richard Lieberman (of
Pennsylvania), Carol Saylor (of Pennsylvania)
wood carvings by Leonard Reisman (of Florida)
There will be an opening reception on Friday, Nov. 12, from 3-5pm in
McCabe Library. All are invited.


Teachers can receive Act 48 hours (CEU's) for attending and
in the conference. There will be forms for you to fill out at the
conference. You do not need to do anything ahead of time and this is at
cost to you.

Certified Sign Language Interpreters may acquire RID CEU's through
Deaf Hearing Communication Centre, Inc, at a small cost. Those
should contact Maria Elia prior to the first day of the conference.
can also telephone her at (610) 742-5466.

Children's Activities:

Children are welcome at all events. However, we offer arts and crafts
activities at Swarthmore on Friday and at Bryn Mawr and Haverford on
Saturday, so that their parents can attend the lectures and panels
them, if they wish. Please note that we are not equipped to include
infants or toddlers in these activities. If you plan on using these
services, please let Sarah know, so we can keep track of how many
to expect. Thank you.


If you would like to exhibit materials appropriate for the attendees
this conference, please contact Alan. Limited table space is availabe,
at no cost. Thank you.

We are grateful to the generous support of:

Access Services at Bryn Mawr College
Art Department at Swarthmore College
Associates of the Swarthmore College Library
Black Studies at Swarthmore College
Center for Peace and Global Citizenship at Haverford College
Center for Science in Society at Bryn Mawr College
Cognitive Science at Swarthmore College
Dance Program at Swarthmore College
Disability Services at Haverford College
Distinguished Visitors Program at Haverford College
Educational Studies Department at Swarthmore College
English Literature Department at Swarthmore College
Feminist and Gender Studies at Haverford College
Forum for Free Speech at Swarthmore College
Hurford Humanities Center at Haverford College
Lang Center for Social Responsibility at Swarthmore College
Linguistics Department at Swarthmore College
Mellon Trico Forum at Bryn Mawr, Haverford, and Swarthmore Colleges
Modern Languages and Literatures Department at Swarthmore College
Music and Dance Department at Swarthmore College
Pennsylvania School for the Deaf
President's Office at Bryn Mawr College
President's Office at Haverford College
President's Office at Swarthmore College
Psychology Department at Swarthmore College
Sager Foundation at Swarthmore College
Thatcher Fund at Swarthmore College
Theater Department at Swarthmore College
William J. Cooper Foundation at Swarthmore College


Students attending the conference are offered crash housing for free
our students.  If you are interested, you must bring your own sleeping
and reserve a spot for whatever nights you plan on staying by

Faculty and staff of Swarthmore College have offered housing at little
no cost (no more than $20 per person per night) to people attending
conference. You do not have to be a student to take advantage of this
offer. There are a limited number of rooms available, and they will be
given out on a first-come-first-served basis. These are rooms in
houses, with use of a bathroom and welcoming smiles, but no breakfast.
you would like to reserve a spot, please contact Kerstin.

There are several inns, motels, and bed and breakfasts in the vicinity
Swarthmore College.

Bed and Breakfasts (all within walking distance of the college):

The Longfellow House
Joane Cline, Proprietor
124 Park Avenue, Swarthmore
(610) 544-4588 or (866) 830-3111

Magnolia House
314 Harvard Avenue, Swarthmore
(610) 544-6779

Purcell Darrell House
Cathy and Chris Darrell, Proprietors
315 North Chester Road, Swarthmore
(610) 690-4421


Media Inn
E. Baltimore Avenue, Media
(610) 566-6500

The Raven Motel
State Street & Providence Road, Media
(610) 891-1560

Motel Providence
Providence Road & Franklin, Media
(610) 566-6480

Alpine Motor Lodge
650 Baltimore Pike, Springfield
(610) 544-4700

Parkway Inn
675 Baltimore Pike, Springfield
(610) 543-0555


There are many relatively inexpensive restaurants within walking
of or a short drive from each of the colleges.  However, attendees are
invited to buy lunch and/or dinner in the campus dining halls.  The
is $5.00 per person for lunch and $7.50 per person for dinner, and you
pay at the door.

Directions and Maps:

For directions to Swarthmore College, click:


For a campus map, click:


For directions to Bryn Mawr College, click:


For a campus map, click:


For directions to Haverford College, click:


For a campus map, click:


Rebecca Berman
Smith College Box 7736
1 Chapin Way
Northampton, MA 01063
AIM: laughingrivkah
rberman at smith.edu 

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