[Animeclub] Planning to by COSPLAY from Miccostumes????

Chandra Hughes chh13 at hampshire.edu
Thu Sep 14 20:52:04 EDT 2017

Hey guys,

I am purchasing things tomorrow most likely so if you are interested, please let me know!


> On Sep 12, 2017, at 10:28 PM, Chandra Hughes <chh13 at hampshire.edu> wrote:
> Hey guys! I don't know if this interests you, but Miccostumes is having a Pre-Halloween Deal going on where if you purchase $250+ you get 25% 
> This is only applicable to the cosplay in this list:
> http://www.miccostumes.com/halloween.php
> I am already purchasing enough, but I figured I would offer. If you see anything you are interested, PM me with the following info:
> 1. Link to cosplay
> 2. Size of order
> 3. Any specific notes
> I will order it with mine so you can get the 25% off. I live in the Amherst area, so I assume you'd be able to come get it, or I can meet you somewhere.
> Also, I would need the amount via Paypal by the time you decided to order! (Or you can pay me in cash if we meet on campus)
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