[Animeclub] go to the dating game at AB~~

Katherine Roman ker10 at hampshire.edu
Tue Mar 22 00:17:41 EDT 2016

Wooooo it's a ghoooosttt of signer paaaassttt just letting you know that
the 18+ Dating Game at AB will feature yours truly in the first round, as
Blair from Soul Eater.
Friday, 8:30, Main events. Show up early for a good seat! I'm actually
REALLY anxious about this year.
Now, I have a favor to ask. If you guys could round up some condoms from
the housing offices and hand them off to me at the con before the game
[some of you should have my number] that'd be AWESOME. Don't ask, just
remember that i have props.
And if you sit in the front row, you MAY get hit by a thong. Did I mention
I have props? I hope whoever comes has an amazing time and will do my best
for you~!

this is the weirdest email i've sent to you guys and i apologize.
see you there!
love, kat

ps: do good in school, stay in school, be nice to your friends and remember
to take time to self care! if you're in cosplay crunch, have some cocoa. if
you're not going to AB, there will be other cons and you have more time to
WRECK when you go!

pps: how are everyone's classes?

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