[Animeclub] Updates & Next Meeting!

Gabriella Oddo gno13 at hampshire.edu
Thu Feb 25 22:03:48 EST 2016


Hey Everyone! 

This is just a quick update as follow-up for our last email, and some
fun info too! 

First of all, if you received an email tonight about stepping down from
the trip, that means you were one of those we had to cut. We're sorry to
do this, and we spent a great amount of time discussing it before making
the decision. If you have been cut, you should know that next year, you
will have priority in coming to both of our annual trips. If you have
any questions, you can talk to us privately in person after our next
upcoming meeting. Email is often difficult to have full conversations
over, so if you have concerns, in-person is usually the best way. 

Also, just as another reminder, we will not be meeting tomorrow --
Hampshire Hackathon has the building reserved for tomorrow and Saturday,
and as it is a 48-hour event, we want to be considerate and support our
fellow nerds. You should go check it out if you can! 

As for the FUN information, we are having our ☆ GAME SHOW NIGHT ☆ next
week, on March 4th! This will take place during our ordinary meeting
time. We've been cooking up some new game ideas, and we'll be revisiting
our old ones too! Expect to see prizes of many kinds, this time around!

See you all there! Have a wonderful week! 

- ❀ Gabriella, Lisette, and Meghan ❀ 

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