[Animeclub] Anime Boston Trip + No Meeting This Week

Gabriella Oddo gno13 at hampshire.edu
Tue Feb 23 23:10:30 EST 2016


Hey Guys, 

So, as we mentioned last meeting, we are currently well over our trip
cap for Anime Boston. It's unfortunate, and we do hate to do this, but
we do have to ask some of you to step down from the trip. Due to the
policies of Fundcom and Hampshire, we can only take 25 people out of the
37 of you that applied. This is a new record -- never have we had so
many people attending our club, and we thank you all for your continued
interest, support, and dedication. 

Please send us an email before this Thursday night at 9pm if you... 

~ Have been to a con with us recently and consecutively 

~ Are a student in your second or third year who has been to at least
two cons, so others can have the experience 

~ Would like to step down just to be nice 

Again, we are at 37 people -- unfortunately, that means 12 need to step
down. In the event that 12 people do not email us, we will need to
choose, and emails will be sent out Thursday night. Registration will
occur on Friday or Monday. 

Thank you for helping us out, and for letting as many of our members as
possible have the con experience that Hampshire provides! 

Secondly, we will not be having a meeting this week, so rooms will be
discussed on the following Friday (March 4th). This is better anyway, so
we have time to hear from you guys and finalize registration. 

Thank you guys so much for supporting our club and sharing in the fun
with us. We love to have you, and want to do the best we can to make
everyone happy. If you can't come with us to AB this year, you'll
definitely have priority for next year, as well as our love and respect
for doing the right thing. 

Have a wonderful week, and we'll see you on March 4th! 

- Gabriella, Meghan, and Lisette 

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