[Animeclub] ☆ AAC Info for Tomorrow!! ☆

Gabriella Oddo gno13 at hampshire.edu
Thu Oct 15 15:54:36 EDT 2015



As you all know, tomorrow is the day we leave for our trip to AAC! 

☆★☆ GET HYPE!!!!! ☆★☆ 

This email is just to give you a quick rundown of everything that's
happening tomorrow, and some updates. We'll try and make it short and
sweet as we can... "try" being the key word, of course. Whoops. ❤ 


 	* First off, if you're reading this and have not signed a WAIVER, you
need to do so WITHIN THE HOUR to come with us tomorrow!!! I've emailed
you privately, but if you didn't get that one, I hope you see this!
 	* In any emergency situation, call GABRIELLA @ 203-448-8404 or JOSIE @
310-498-3998! Be sure to put us in your phones -- it would also be
helpful if everyone texted us once with your name, so we have your
contact info just in case.


 	* We're meeting up at 6:30AM SHARP in the LOT BEHIND THE LIBRARY to
pack up! (unless you're among those leaving at a different time/we've
discussed it previously!)
 	* Caroline, Ivana, Joe and Gabriella will be driving those who come
with us in the morning, so be sure to be there!


 	* We hope to arrive at the con around 9:30AM, at which point we'll go
to get our badges!
 	* Once we get our badges, you're free to roam the con until 3PM, our
checkin time at the hotel.
 	* When it's time to go to check in, we're going to meet up at 2:45-3PM
in the PARKING GARAGE connected to the con; it's very easy to spot, and
we'll give you directions either way. ;3
 	* We'll be driving to the hotel all together to check in; if for any
reason you can't be there at that time (ie you're driving in later or
have a panel to go to) just text Josie or Gabriella to let them know!
It's okay if you can't come, but we wanna know whose stuff is staying in
the cars and make sure room keys are distributed to at least two people
from each room.
 	* We will discuss driver schedules going to and from the con tomorrow
night, once everybody is settled into their hotel rooms. We'll likely
all meet up in Gabriella's room to have that discussion once everybody
is in for the night, which we'd imagine will be AROUND 10 OR 11PM. That
may change, but we'll keep you posted!
 	* Speaking of which, the hotel rooming list is as follows:

ROOM 1: 

> Jesse Cruz 
> Jesse Carreno 
> Zachary Metz 
> Lydia Furtado 
> Keith Schwartz-Zicklin


ROOM 2: 

> Joe Bir 
> Quinn Roberts 
> Brandon King 
> Joe McGlynn 
> Matt Spring


ROOM 3: 

> Sofia Arnold 
> Josie Eilertsen 
> Gabriela Palaia 
> Caroline Belge 
> Aria Linz


ROOM 4: 

> Gabriella Oddo 
> Lisette Medina 
> Ivana Yang 
> Yuwei Liu 
> Corky Ward



> Frank Anthony 
> Rebecca Theadore 
> Leah Mabey 
> Dana Waggoner



 	* Individual drivers should discuss when they want to depart from the
con with their passengers. Not much goes on after 2pm, but it's up to
you guys when you want to return. All we ask is that each driver texts a
signer to let them know when they're going and that they've come back
 	* Reimbursements for parking will be given by the CLA after the con;
parking in the garage each day is $5 flat, a generous discount for
con-goers. Whoever spots it on a given day should save their receipts so
they can be refunded upon our return!


 	* Unfortunately, we received a call yesterday evening saying that we
can't use the CPSC van for the trip. This means that Ivana and I will be
driving 5 passengers each in our own cars. We can figure out who's going
with who when we meet up tomorrow. I wish we had been notified sooner,
but with this plan, we'll still be able to get everyone there. We
apologize for the late notice.
 	* Lisette will not be able to come with us, because she has been
kidnapped by a rabid, mouth-frothing band of Div III students to do
their dark bidding under the blood moon on the Eve of the Coming of the
Abyss. That is, she's a production manager and has too much class (both
academically and demeanor-ly ;3), and had to step out. If you have
concerns during the con that include bleeding, death, agony and
suffering, please contact Gabriella or Josie at the numbers given above!
 	* Gabriella has to run and pick up a friend from the airport (coming
all the way from sunny Arizona) at 11am tomorrow, so from 11 to possibly
noon, contact Josie if an emergency occurs in that hour timeframe (we
hope you don't break your legs, of course)!

If you have any questions regarding trip info, please shoot a signer an
email or contact us at the numbers provided above! 

Now, here's some fun tips and stuff for you from Gabriella: 

 	* GO TO THE 18+ DATING GAME!!!! Our very own veteran signer Kat Roman
is an excellent performer, and you've got to see her work her magic. 
 	* Here's the guest list of every celeb attending the con:
http://www.anotheranimecon.com/?page_id=1373 [1] If you want something
signed, don't forget it! Everybody's nice, especially Lauren Landa. She
told me I was fashionable and liked my hats.
 	* The panel schedule isn't up yet, but if J. Michael Tatum does his
18+ After Dark panel, go to it. You must. I've heard it's golden from
numerous people.
 	* If there's a Pictionary panel, go to that, too. Voice actors compete
against the visiting artists and three volunteers, and the prompts are
hilarious to watch. Yours truly was on the team that won it last year.
;3 It's a blast, and if somebody else from our club gets up there and
takes the cake, it'd be pretty awesome to keep the title for
 	* If you feel bad not buying from an artist's alley table when you
walk past, smile and take a business card, maybe even offer a tiny hello
or compliment as you pass. If you're as anxious as I am about that sort
of thing, maybe this knowledge will help.
 	* If you're buying art commissions, get em ordered on Friday. It's
your best chance to make sure you get a slot for the weekend.
 	* The Dealer's Room and Artist's Alley are combined in one space that
isn't all too big. You can navigate it easily and sweep around multiple
times. Don't blow all your cash without looking around the whole place
at least once, or you'll miss out on getting something for cheaper.
Enter some raffles too, since we're here all three days!
 	* The tavern restaurant inside the hotel is both reasonably priced AND
right between the Dealer's Room and the rest of the con rooms! Do visit.
They have themed dessert and drink (only if you're of age, now) menus
for the con. It's very cute. Voice actors have also been know to go hang
out there and chat with people while they grab lunch or dinner, so keep
an eye out. ;3 We met Troy Baker at our table, last year.
 	* If you want food that isn't from the tavern, there's a Subway and a
tiny cafe area a little ways down the street past the hotel. Great for
grabbing and going.

Other than that, we hope you have a great time. We're very, very happy
to be able to offer you guys this experience; cons bring everybody
together in a way that's hard to explain, but makes all the sense in the
world when you feel it for yourself. There's something wonderful about
being in a big, bustling place with everyone celebrating what makes them
happy -- people are most beautiful when they're doing what they love, at
least in our opinion. ;3 

See you bright and early tomorrow! If you have any questions or
concerns, please do shoot us an email and let us know. 

- ❤ Gabriella, Josie, & Lisette ❤ 

[1] http://www.anotheranimecon.com/?page_id=1373

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