[Animeclub] Canceled Meeting Tonight {{Important Info!}}

Gabriella Oddo gno13 at hampshire.edu
Fri Mar 27 17:31:50 EDT 2015


Hey Guys, 

SO, seeing as tonight is Conbust and one of us is unfortunately ill,
we're going to cancel our scheduled meeting. This means that we're going
to need the following: 

1. Drivers should email Gabriella (gno13) to say when they're free for a
private meeting! That's you, Matt and Konstantin! Don't worry, we don't
bite; you can visit Mod 27 in Greenwich to discuss driving things and
lists of people in your vehicles. We will offer tea. ;3 

2. Everyone should discuss their rooming choices, and have one
representative from your room group email a signer with the list of
people you'll be with! Please do this by /Wednesday/ at the latest, just
so we have all our records straight. You guys can switch around a little
once we're there, but it's much better to at least know the general idea
of who you're with so there's no confusion! 

3. A dorky powerpoint presentation will be coming your way in another
email later on with all the info you'll need about the con, everything
from leaving and returning times to what restaurants are nearby and
tasty (and also basic rules, etiquette, and emergency info). Stay tuned!

Thank you guys so much for your help! We look forward to making this con
a good one! 

- ☆ ♪ Lisette, Meghan, & Gabriella ♪ ☆ 

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