[Animeclub] AB Signup & Drop Reminder!

Gabriella Oddo gno13 at hampshire.edu
Tue Feb 17 16:01:01 EST 2015


Hey Guys! 

Wowee, we got a bunch of trip signups today! Very exciting. We're
excited too!! 

We just wanted to remind you that both signups and drops end on the same
day, this Friday (the 20th!). So if you've been signed up for a while
and predict that something might change or you won't be able to attend,
please remember to get that in by then, sometime in the early afternoon.
We say this because on that Friday afternoon, we'll be going to the CLA
to formally fill out the reg information. Since the CLA closes at 4,
we'll likely be over there at 3 doing the stuff. Just a peek into our
jobs for you, there. 

So if you have to drop, Friday at 3pm is your last chance!! Please
remember that, or you'll have to pay the CLA your ticket price, and
nobody else can take your spot. :C It's no fun, but that's the way the
cookie crumbles, sadly. A very crumbly cookie. A very crumbly cookie
that will only be restored to its true form through family emergencies
or other dangerous conflict. What a sadistic cookie. 

Oh, and if you do have to drop at any time but aren't near a computer to
email, you can text that info to Gabriella at (203) 448-8404. We'll take
care of it. 

Thanks so much! We look forward to adventuring to Anime Boston together!

- ♫ ❤ Gabriella ❤ ♫ 

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